This is the condensed page for quick lookups, here's the full page if you want that.

Palladium Theater

253 Fifth Ave. N, St. Petersburg, FL 33701

Parking is available in the lot connected to the theater and across the street

Day One - April 25

  1. -

    Breakfast: Food and drinks in the downstairs area, with plenty of tables

  2. -

    Improving Accessibility Through Design Systems - Homer Gaines

  3. -

    Snack break

  4. -

    Modern CSS For Dynamic Component-Based Architecture - Stephanie Eckles

  5. -

    Lunch break

  6. -

    Talk It Out: Using Natural Language with AI to go from idea to PoC - Brandon Mitchell

  7. -

    Chat Break

  8. -

    It's Not For Looking At: Building Impactful Design Systems - Elyse Holladay

  9. -

    Snack Break

  10. -

    How I Fell In Love With Astro - James Quick

  11. -

    Party - St Petersburg Shuffleboard Club - 559 Mirror Lake Dr N, St. Petersburg, FL 33701

Day Two - April 26

  1. -

    Breakfast: Food and drinks in the downstairs area, with plenty of tables

  2. -

    Wisdom from the Trees - Ben Callahan

  3. -

    Snack break

  4. -

    Building a blog-sharing generator - Cassidy Williams

  5. -

    Lunch break

  6. -

    Optional Discussion of The Question downstairs

  7. -

    So what is "design quality" anyway and why is it so hard to achieve? - Cameron Moll

  8. -

    Snack Break

  9. -

    Should Designers No Code? - Jine Anne

  10. -

    Chat Break

  11. -

    A Starwipe is Born: View Transitions, Scroll-based Animations & Other Interactions You Might Not Need That Third-Party Library For - Adam Kuhn

  12. - ???

    Hanging at Park & Rec - 100 4th St S, St. Petersburg, FL 33701

    For anyone still in town and wanting to keep the fun going, we'll head over to Park & Rec